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Michelle Rao

Michelle Rao

Why I Feel Called to This Role

Since my second year of college, God has given me a heart specifically for the next generation. I remember how many difficult questions my high school years raised and how dark and hopeless those years were before I met Christ. My personal salvation story draws me to Decision Point and compels me to want to give students today a chance to hear the good news of Jesus Christ before they graduate!

I want to serve the Lord in this role because I believe He has called me to use the skills and passions He’s given me to share Christ to the next generation. From graduating from the University of California San Diego with a Statistics major, to working for over a year as a data analyst, I believe the Lord has equipped me specifically for this position before leading me here. I’m so excited to see more students equipped, and more students reached for the kingdom!

I live in Santa Clara, CA, and am also involved in various roles as part of my home church’s recently planted English Ministry, Impact Christian Fellowship. I serve in the Young Adult, Youth, and Music ministries.

Would You Partner with Me to Reach Students in the Bay Area?

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