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Eryn Bee

Why I Feel Called to this Role

Hi! I am Eryn Bee. Like everyone, I play a lot of different roles in my life: mom, wife, sister, pastor’s wife, friend, caretaker, administrative assistant, barista, and more. But the most important and defining thing is that I am a child of God. I didn’t always believe and understand that, even though I came to know Christ as a child.There have been times in my life where I believed my value and meaning was in what I was doing and the roles I was playing, even when I didn’t realize I was doing that. Don’t get me wrong- being a wife and mother is important! Doing ministry for the Lord is meaningful. But behind all of that, no matter how my roles and responsibilities change, the one thing that never changes is the Lord and His love for me. My identity as a child of God is the core of who I am. This has been so important to meditate on and continue to grow in understanding as 4 of my 5 children have left home. As our lives were completely shifted in a move from pastoring an established church in a suburb of Chicago, to planting a church in a rural town in Iowa- in our late forties! As I shifted from homeschooling mama, seeking God’s guidance and provision for what He had for me to do next, God led me to join the mission here at Decision Point. I’ve continued to experience God’s leading in a whole new phase of ministry as support to students on mission for God. Life is full of change, and if I let any one of my roles become my identity, I will be in crisis every time change comes. But God never changes. He is our Rock and our Salvation, and because of this, I will never be shaken. And I need to remember this. Every. Single. Day.

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