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Andi Custer

Andi Custer

Coaching Students with Decision Point

My Name is Andi Custer and I am stoked to serve with Decision Point in Colorado.

I have a heart that beats for teenagers, especially those who are lost, broken and hurting and who are facing life’s challenges without the hope of Jesus Christ. That’s why I mentor and train High School students to reach their public schools with the Love of Jesus through personally sharing their faith, starting Christian clubs and sharing the Gospel at campus-wide outreaches events. How awesome, right?!

Having served as a youth and associate pastor for over 13 years, I feel particularly equipped to bridge the gap between what help and support churches desperately need and the transformative resources that Decision Point provides. Together, we want to see students empowered to live life on mission! I will be working on staff with my wife, Jen!

Would You Partner with Me to Reach Students in Colorado?

Colorado Springs