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5 Gospel Challenges

Help give every student the opportunity to hear the gospel before they graduate. Check out Decision Point's 5 Gospel Challenges to get started!


Pray faithfully for five unbelievers every day for five weeks! Pray specifically that God would open their hearts to come to know Christ. And pray for boldness, that when God opens a door, you will courageously share the hope that you have.

Go Witness

Initiate conversations until you get to share the gospel with five people. Be friendly, ask them their thoughts about God, be a good listener, ask if you can share the gospel with them, and invite them to respond!

Give God's Word

Give a Bible, New Testament, or one of the Gospels to five of your friends and to as many students as possible.

Teach God's Word

Teach evangelistic series where every lesson clearly shares the gospel with unbelievers and also helps believers grow in their faith.

Lead an Outreach Week

Give students a unique way to hear the gospel by leading a week-long outreach on campus consisting of prayer, promo, gospel events, and follow-up.

5 Gospel Challenges

Help give every student the opportunity to hear the gospel before they graduate. Check out Decision Point's 5 Gospel Challenges below!


Pray faithfully for five unbelievers every day for five weeks! Pray specifically that God would open their hearts to come to know Christ. And pray for boldness, that when God opens a door, you will courageously share the hope that you have.

Go Witness

Initiate conversations until you get to share the gospel with five people. Be friendly, ask them their thoughts about God, be a good listener, ask if you can share the gospel with them, and invite them to respond. If you've already done the Pray5 Challenge, you might already have 5 people in mind to share the gospel with. This could be your chance!

Give God's Word

Give a Bible, New Testament or one of the Gospels to as many students on your campus as possible.

Teach God's Word

Help teach an evangelistic series that clearly shares the gospel and calls people to respond.

Lead an Outreach Week

Lead five days of prayer, promo, gospel events, and follow-up on your campus to give students a unique and dynamic way to hear the gospel.